An Inquiry of Knowledge on Fear and Memory

The research book on fear and memory is the result of the author’s reflections and observations on the phenomenon of fear which is part of an epistemological problem. The reason is fear and memory are part of the human experience that involve certain sensations or impressions that give rise to ideas about fear in the mind and stored in the memory. The problem is, sometimes ideas about fear do not involve certain experiences or sensations or impressions and are simply stored in memory. That is, memories of fear as ideas in the mind are not related to the object of fear concretely so that the status of the object of fear is illusory. Furthermore, the state of fear in the mind as something mental is false ideas of fear.

This book is suitable for someone who is looking for the depth of the meaning of fear in the mind because the emergence of the idea of fear in the mind can be related to two things, simply appearing as an impulse and appearing because it is stimulated by a concrete object that is experienced. Whether consciously or not, most fearful ideas that arise in the mind just appear as an encouragement and are stored as memories in the mind. The memory of fear that originates from thought impulses is something that is unclear because it is not produced from any experience or sensation. Once again, this book is suitable for readers who are exploring and retracing ideas about fear in the mind that become memories.

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Penulis : Rizky Yazid

Tata Letak Isi : Rasyid Hidayat

Desain Sampul : Ahmad Hanin Lathif

Diterbitkan oleh: Mata Kata Inspirasi

236 halaman; 15,5 cm x 23 cm

Cetakan Pertama, September 2023

ISBN: (Proses)