An Access of Human Knowledge

This book is the result of the author’s research which reviews the important role of language as a “tool” for expressing one’s knowledge. Another meaning of language is a statement in which knowledge is expressed verbally. Without tools, philosophically, it is difficult for knowledge to find its position as a known object. However, in such conditions, language users are actually “trapped” in the language itself as a tool to express their knowledge. Trapped in the sense that what should be the content of the statement states the result of the sensation process towards the object, instead, it states the result of the process of other sensations taken from the memory of the past. As a result, the contents of the statement do not represent the object. In these conditions it is then indicated that language is unable to represent or explain objects or reality in their entirety. Apart from that, this condition also confirms the Acceptance Theory that “something” understanding is related to other “something” within oneself. This means that something is accepted like this and like that, because within oneself there are certain preferences, both natural (intrinsic) and based on experience (extrinsic). These epistemic issues make the core of this research problem urgent to be researched.

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An Access of Human Knowledge

Penulis : Rizky Yazid

Editor : Muhamad Tamamul Iman, M.Phil.

Tata Letak Isi : Muhammad Baihaqi Lathif

Desain Sampul : Hanania Alfia Lathif

Diterbitkan oleh: Mata Kata Inspirasi

Cetakan Pertama, Februari 2024

viii + 120 hlm, 15,5 x 23 cm

ISBN: 978-623-8435-43-2